Friday, June 8, 2007

Ex nihilo

Where are you starting out on your journey to success? Is your origin of humble beginnings? Are you at square one?

In your quest for millions of dollars and financial independence do you find yourself at the bottom? In other words you have absolutely nothing to work with.

Let me make it more clear. Are you deep in debt with nothing you can consider an asset? Are your savings depleted and you simply don't have anything ... I mean nothing?

That's great news!!! Confused? Well the reason why it's great news is because there have been so many people that started out in that exact same situation and they went on to become millionaires and establsihed massive fortunes and huge empires. They started out with absolutely nothing.

Which brings me to Ex nihilo. It means to "create out of nothing".

Even if you are starting with nothing you can create an abundance of wealth. If you are seeking financial independence then you need to hear this.

On August 3rd and 4th 2007 there will be seminar entitled, "Wealth Beyond Measure. At this seminar there will be some who have gone on to attain multi - millionaire status and they can show you the proces they used. Once again, even if you are starting out with nothing, they will show you how to create a Wealth Beyond Measure.

Well enough for now. In the days to come I will provide more details.

So until then remember .....ex nihilo. It's the same process God used. He created the universe out of nothing.

To Your Great Success.

Mel Richardson
VisionStar Enterprises
P.O. Box 22661
Beachwood, Ohio 44122

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