Saturday, May 19, 2007

Career Success- College Graduates --Set Goals

Lights, Cameras, Action --- Are you looking to become a star employee??? Is Career Advancement your goal? Great!!! Pay close attention!!! You have got to become a super star.

That's right. You must stand out from the competition by doing what losers don't like to do. Become an overachiever. Let your boss know about the good ideas you have and keep a track record of the ideas whether they are implemented or not.

Also it's a good idea to improve your communication skills. Your ability to advance is going to be largely dependent upon your interpersonal skills. Therefore it would be a good idea to make an investment in your communication skills. Take a speech class, join toastmasters, speak up in team meetings. Always look for ways to develop those skills and watch the difference it makes.

Have a vision of where you want to go---- talk to someone in the position you are going after. See what the opportunities and challenges are---- shadow someone in that department to see if this is what you really what to do. Get a feel for that job.

Get yourself a mentor---- Find a coach --- all the great ones have coaches --- Michael Jordan , Tiger Woods ---- Alex Rodriguez and the list goes on.

A college degree is no guarantee of success --- always develop your skills ---- takes continuing education classes --- go to seminars ----listen to CD's --- read motivational material and then put the information to work --- Your mind is like an ax --- you must continually sharpen it so that it works more effectively.

Tap into your creative genius --- go above and beyond the call of duty --- become a problem solver

Always think interms of the big picture --- make it a win/win situation

Set goals in all six areas of life ---- have a balanced strategy.

Put together your own personal development plan. ----

Learn from the experts ----

Understand your purpose --- make sure you know how you fit into the entire scheme of things. What is it that you do better than others --- what is your assignment? Tap into your spiritual gifts... Begin to flow in the direction of your purpose -----fulfill your destiny --- What are you passionate about? Your purpose should align with your values and your own personal mission statement.

Find out where you can utilize your talents and ability to their full extent.

Find out what's going on with your competitors ---- keep abreast of industry news. -- Read the Wall Street Journal --- Time --- Business week ---- The New York Times --- USA Today.

To Your Great Success

Mel Richardson

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