Friday, November 2, 2007

The True Meaning OF Success

The true meaning of success is going above and beyond the call of duty. True success means having the ability and aptitude to hit all of your goals in all six areas of life which include the mental, physical, spiritual, social, career, and the family. When you are able to map out a road map for success no matter what your goals are, and change and adjust along the way then you are truly successful. It's your ability to focus and take action on your stated goals and persevering and not giving up when the road seems dim and dark.

When others have written you off as a failure it's your ability to continue believing in yourself and motivating and inspiring yourself when you are sad and depressed and things are not going your way. Success is calling never giving up and calling upon that inner resolve that says don't give up for what you are seeking is just beyond the horizon. Never fall by the wayside. Continue to seek wise counsel in the coaches, and mentors you find for they are all around. Success is learning something new everyday and never settling for the status quo.

Success is challenging yourself to do better, to be better and then setting the bar just a little bit higher. It's when you look to fulfill your goals by tapping into that inner resolve, and unleash the creative genius within that allows you to achieve a success unlike anything you could have ever imagined.

Success is establishing those relationships with all those that you come in contact with. It's also your ability to help others along your way to success.

And finally success is coming to the realization that we are more than just physical bodies, in essence we are spirits and it is the developing of the spirit and our sense of awareness that allows us to transcend this physical world and seek wisdom from the creative power, the God power. For it was God that created the heavens and the universe and all of our success is dependent upon our relation with HIM and acknowledging him in all of our ways.

To Your Great Success

Mel Richardson
VisionStar Enterprises
1906 Galetown Drive
Severn, Maryland 21144


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