Sunday, August 5, 2007

Make Money Online With Associated Content

Are you an inspired writer? Would you like to get paid to write? If you answered yes to either question then you owe it to yourself to join Associated Content and start writing articles.

What do you write about? Well you name it. Associated Content gives you an opportunity to submit audio files with original songs and compositions, along with how-to's. There is also a section to submit animation, tutorial,news, videoblog, and home videos.

The next section let's you submit general articles which are composed of consumer tips, career advice, research documents, and lesson plans.

The section for "City And Neighborhood allows you to submit articles about your neighborhoods history. Do you have any information regarding important events that took place in your neighborhood that might prove to be news worthy. Where are some of the best places to shop in your neck of the woods? Do you have some favorite past times you enjoy? Write about them.

Local/Activity Event. Any events that you partake in year after year that you could write about? What about a parade or a running event? Are there any fundraisers that you could talk about? Are there any outings for children that you know of? Sure you do. Where do all the singles go? Is there a good place for seniors? Don't delay write about it.

Have I hit anything that you would like to write about yet? NO? Don't worry there's more to come.

Local Attraction. Go ahead review a facility in your city say for instance a store, or an amusement center, or even a museum, What about a sporting Venue? or a hursing home.

Local Business. Review a business that you are fond about such as a fitness center, or your car dealership, .

Local Real Estate. What is the housing market like in your town? Good, bad, not so sure? Write about it. Do you have any tips for buying in the housing market?

Local School. Review a local school in your area. Maybe your high school or a day care. or university or even a graduate program.

There are many more topics you can review so take your pick and have fun with it.

If your reviews are published Associated Content will pay you between $3 and $10 per review. I made $135 in the month of July 2007. Right now I am on target to make even more than that in the month of August.

Not all reviews will be published, nevertheless if you are ready to get started
go here:

and watch the money start coming in.

To Your Great Success

Mel Richardson
VisionStar Enterprises
P.O. Box 22661
Beachwood, Ohio 44122


go here now.

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