Friday, February 1, 2008

Mentors Make the Money Go Round

How to Select a Mentor, Criteria and Value
by Tracy Repchuk, Marketing Makeover Maestro

2008 is Operation Financial Freedom so I want to share today's topic with you.

I am constantly being asked what do I look for in a mentor or coaching program, and today I will go over some criteria that I use when I pick mine which has lead me to a very successful journey. January has been a complete non-stop whirl wind for me as I have flown multiple times already in 4 weeks, to meet with mentors of my own, and to appear at internet marketing related events.

So I thought today would be good to talk about mentors, especially since I have a brand new JV Coaching Club class starting, and 4 new mentors of my own.

When you are on your Internet marketing journey trying to rush towards your dreams like Haley's Comet, life will try to stop you at every opportunity. The kids will get sick, you'll get sick, boss wants you to work late all month, someone dies, the dog needs an operation, your house just got flooded, your computer crashes, and the maid quits. These are all reasons I have heard from my coaching clients throughout my program.

You have to remember at all times, your goals and dreams are at stake here - and the only one that can make them happen is YOU.

So when you start a new endeavour you can do it:
1. The hard way
2. The long way
3. The expensive way
4. The mentor way

What is a mentor?
In simple terms a mentor is someone who knows more than you, and can provide you with information which will allow you to duplicate steps to achieve the end results of the program.

And if you are a mentor, it is more critical that you always have one- to ensure your skills are accelerating as fast as any client that may come your way.

Mentors are a hieararchy and parallel format, in that mentors invest in mentors.
In essence this means the money is always moving like an MLM.

From day one I have invested in mentors, because as an entrepreneur I know that investing in yourself is the most valuable action you can take. I pick one that is where I want to be for my next level. If you pick on that is too far beyond your income and skill level, you won’t be able to keep up. They’ll move too fast, think too fast, and expect more than you can give. Something to think about with a mentor.

On the other hand, pick one that makes things happen in their own life, because that’s proof that they are applying what they learn –not just learning and parroting it back to you. That’s easy.

You can get information from books, CDs, DVDs, teleseminars, etc. but there is nothing like access to a direct mentor because they keep you moving forward, fast.

A mentor does 3 things for you;

1. Kicks butt – keeps you accountable
2. Gives you lots of feedback and help in between classes/appointments - rapid progress
3. Gives you information that worked for them and others

And selecting a mentor isn’t a casual purchase. If they’re not doing those things, you bought a friend. Make sure you are getting pushed just beyond your limits, enough that if it were life and death, you could do it. Then you know the rest is the choice you want to progress.

In general I would also recommend that you like them, you can relate to them, and feel like they are the right one for you.

This is the advice I have been giving to my clients, and with up to 30 at a time it has given a snapshot at consistent habits that many people have, that they need to identify in themselves, and make sure they select a mentor that will also help them overcome some of these.

Have a great day.

Tracy Repchuk
Quantum Leap Coach

Bestselling author of 31 Days to Millionaire Marketing Miracles available at

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