Thursday, November 19, 2009

How to Use Network Marketing as a Wealth Building Strategy

tracy repchuk

How to use network marketing as a wealth building strategy is easy when you apply these 4 Principles of Selection

Coming from an internet marketing background, I stumbled into network marketing before the popularity of membership sites when I was in search of a recurring revenue model. There were massive similarities in the way an network marketing opportunity should be marketed, and I noticed very quickly that wasn’t happening. Here is where I saw a great way to leap into the market, dominate using internet marketing techniques and create another stable income stream for myself, once again – on autopilot.

First, let me tell you why initially I didn’t consider network marketing in my model, and what changed all of that. It was the fact it seemed to take a lot of effort, tons of phone calls (which I don’t do), and involved stocking, or some physical element. My world was digital, and if I couldn’t automate it, it didn’t fit in my operating basis. The other reason, I didn’t see the fun in it.

Then along came a new world of digitally offered network marketing adventures, such as travel bookings, and I was in. Not only was this great because I never had to touch product, or order a personal quantity, but my internet marketing skills fit perfectly, and I love to travel. So tip #1 – pick something that fits in your ideal lifestyle.

What I do is create a landing page (which I recommend) to go in front of your NM offer, and list build. That way you have an instant audience that are interested in your offer (or they wouldn’t have opted-in), and all you have to do is close them – which I did with a series of automated autoresponder messages, and a monthly teleseminar. It was a match made in heaven.

So when you are considering getting into a network marketing endeavor, what I recommend is you follow the four P’s:

1. Price – how much is it to get in, and what is the monthly fee if any

2. Plan – does it pay on a recurring basis, and if there was a recurring fee, can you earn your way out of it – ie. Sell 4 members, no more monthly fee out of your pocket

3. Performance – what is the payout plan and is it front end heavy, or distributed over time – (I prefer a heavy front end payout, with small recurring increments)

4. People – is there a team above you willing to keep you trained, motivated, on target, and informed – even better, are they fun to be around.

Then compare all of these against your ideal lifestyle, and your passion, and you’re on your way to a great network marketing income stream.

Tracy “Recurring Riches” Repchuk
Bestselling author of 31 Days to Millionaire Marketing Miracles

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