Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Networking Your Way To New Opportunities

Do you want to take your business to the next level? Are you looking for new opportunities and business associates? Is it your desire to keep in touch and know what's going on?

If you answered yes to any of those questions then networking is for you. There are so many advantages of networking that it is unbelievable. Networking places you in front of people who know people who know people.

Just to start did you know that 80% of jobs are found by networking. When you get out into the community it puts you in touch with a vast array of people who may have the information you need about a new job. At the very least they may know a company that is hiring or the person doing the hiring. They may even know how to help you go about the process of getting that particular job.

Through the networking process you want to talk to the following: mailman, security guard, banker, store clerk, barber shop, hair dresser, policeman, garbage man, postal clerk, tax person, accountant, attorney, auto mechanic, church members,

If you are looking for a job all of these different avenues can help you hit your goal.

If you are a small business owner you may want to network with the chamber of commerce, join toastmasters, (they have website you may be able to advertise on), BNI, your banker, networking events, start a mastermind team.

There have been so many individuals that have gone on start businesses, establish multi -millionaire deals, partnerships, joint ventures, books, all through the networking process. They went out and met people and made themselves accessible to other people.

It basically starts a chain reaction when you start talking to your family, friends, neighbors, associates, and other comrades and business acquaintances about a specific venture you have going on. It happens like magic the way the word spreads.

To Your Great Success

Mel Richardson
1906 Galetown Drive
Severn, GA 21144


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