Goal Setting - The Gateway To Success
Are you aware that only 3% of the world's population have written goals?
And they are, by far, the most successful people in the world.
When you sit down and take the time to actually write out your goals you set in motion mechanisms which you are not even aware of. What am I talking about? Your subconscious mind goes to work to help you fulfill your goals. It never rests until you arrive at your written destination.
As long you are passionate and have a burning desire to achieve your goals.
Also you goals should consist of these eight elements as outlined by Lewis Timberlake.
Number 1. Written
Your goals have to be written. Writing out your goals have you establish clarity about what you are trying to accomplish. You establish a road map on how you are going to get from A to Z. Don't miss this last point. When you write out your goals something happens within the subconscious mind that causes you to react and bring those things into existence --- It's almost like a self programming.
Number 2. Personal
Your goals have to be personal. I cannot set goals for you nor can you set goals for me. They have to be things that you want to achieve and accomplish. When the obstacles come in the pursuit of your goals and they will you are more likely to continue on and perservere if they are your own goals. If someone else sets the goals for you chances are you will give up at the first sign of trouble.
Number 3. Continual
The goal setting process is a continual process. You should always set goals. Once you hit one goal you move on to the next and the next. Certainly there will be times when you have to make ammendments and adjustments, but you still continue on with the goal setting process, hitting one after the other.
Number 4. Encompassing.
Your goals should cover all six areas of your life which include the following:
- Mental
- Physical
- Social
- Spiritual
- Career
- Family
This helps you to establish a balanced stratgegy.
Number 5. Realistic/Believable.
When you set your goals they should be realistic and believable. You
have to truly believe that you are going to be able to accomplish the things you set out to do. They have to be realistic. If you are working as a cook at a fast food restaurant and you want to become an engineer in 6 months. Well most likely that is not going to happen. It doesn't mean it can never happen, you just need to make that a long term goal.
Number 6. Specific
You need to make your goals as specific as possible with as much detail and establish a deadline for their accomplishment.
Number 7. Compatible
You should never have a goal in one area of your life that's
incompatible with another area.
Number 8. Workable
After everything has been said and done you finally need a workable plan of action. You need to take action.
And finally remember this quote by Dr. Benjamin Mays.
It must be borne in mind that the tragedy of life
does not lie in not reaching your goal.
The tragedy lies in not having a goal to reach for.
It is not a calamity to die with dreams unfulfilled.
It is a calamity not to dream.
It is not a disaster to be unable to capture your idea.
But it is a disaster to have no idea to capture.
It is not a disgrace to be unable to reach the stars but
it is a disgrace to have no stars to reach for.
-----Dr. Benjamin Mays
To Your Great Success
Mel Richardson
VisionStar Enterprises
P.O. Box 22661
Beachwood, Ohio 44122
P.S. If you want to become a millionaire then you have to make that your goal -----Written it down --- It must be personal--- you must have a burning desire to accomplish it. Go for it!!!!
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