Monday, March 31, 2008

Check Out Your Website With Prchecker

How good is your website? Is your Blog up to par? I found a website, (, which basically measures the ranking of your website. For those of you that don’t know what page rank is, it’s a tool put together by Google which determines the effectiveness or efficiency of your website. The higher your page rank the higher your website is listed in the various search engines and that means more traffic to you site, which in essence means more people are looking at your site, your products, your services, thus putting more money in your pocket in the form of paying customers.

If more people are going to your website then less traffic is going to your competitors website. Unfortunately most people don’t even know what page rank is but those visitors that do will place your website in a higher esteem than your competitors and feel that your content is much more valuable and insightful.

Now you are probably wondering how is page rank determined and more importantly how do you increase your page rank. Well, let’s look at the first part of that question. Your page rank is determined when another page links to your page with a back link. The more back links you receive from other pages the higher your page rank. This process can get quite involved and a little messy because all back links don’t carry the same weight or force. The higher the page rank that a link is coming from the more beneficial it is in terms of boosting your page rank. So if you get links from a lot of pages with low page ranks it will not have as strong an impact as a few pages with higher page ranks.

Now this is the complicated part if you have a page that has a page rank of 7 and it is already linked to 10 or 15 other pages then it will not be any more beneficial to you than a page that has a page rank of 3. There is only so much linking that a page can do. It’s almost like the law of diminishing returns.

Another factor to determine page rank is the longevity of your site. Just how long has your site been around or your blog and have long have you been posting content? Obviously the longer the better. So now how do you improve your page rank? Well you do so by submitting your website to web directories which helps to increase your page rank and increases the flow of traffic to your site. So if you submit your site to a large number of web directories you will be able to increase your rank. Prchecker also gives you a list of web directories that you can go to and submit your site.

There a host of other items that will definitely help you to increase your ranking and the general traffic flow to your website. Also if you are curious about the page ranking of your own site you can see exactly where you stand by going to because they have a tool that measures page rank. All you have to do is put your own URL in the designated box and you will have your answer. A page rank of 6 or higher is very high.

To Your Great Success

Mel Richardson

Establish Your Internet Marketing Team

If you are starting out in the area of Internet marketing you will find that there are so many different things to learn such as Search engine optimization, list building, auto responders, affiliate programs, affiliate marketing, blogging, blogs, making money on line, Ebay, buying, selling and creating products, article marketing, email marketing, domain names, url addresses, website, web hosting companies, joint ventures, back links, branding yourself, and the list goes on and on.

Now you can try to learn all of this information and if you have enough money and enough time and you are sufficiently motivated I am betting you will eventually achieve the results you are looking for. Now notice I said if you have enough money and enough time you will get the results. If you can get the same results if not better without spending a lot of money and a lot of time why would you not pursue that avenue?

How do you pursue the avenue that will allow you to save some time and money? You get yourself a mentor or a coach or you can look things up on the Internet and join forums and message boards and talk to other individuals that are trying to do the things you are trying to accomplish. Successful individuals are always willing to share information it's just a matter of seeking them out and asking. Ask and you shall receive.

Never go it alone. That's one trip that's just too time consuming and costly. Get help whenever and wherever you can find it. There is nothing like having a team of individuals that will help you meet your goals and vice versa by way of brainstorming activities. A team establishes synergy because there is an exchange of energy, passion, enthusiasm, ideas, communication and knowledge bases and fun.

When you operate or function as a team you can get so much more done. Each person on the team has a sincere interest in helping everyone else achieve their goals and objectives. You can even establish your own Internet marketing team to help everyone meet their goals and objectives. If you decide to do this it is best to have a game plan laid out and make sure everyone understands what the objective is and what you are trying to accomplish. With these little details in place right at the beginning you will see so much more accomplished and a lot faster.

To Your Great Success

Mel Richardson
VisionStar Enterprises

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Make Money Online With The ClickBank Affiliate Program

ClickBank is a site that permits you to become an affiliate and sell products on the Internet. Now the products you are selling are being sold for Click bank. Click Bank has been around just under ten years and is primarily a retailer for digitally delivered products on the Internet. One of the things that's so appealing about Clickbank is that it's one of the most highly visited sites on the Internet. With click bank you can sell products or buy products, Clickbank affiliates are primarily Internet marketers looking to earn commissions as affiliates, which is selling products for Clickbank.

You can chose from well over 10,000 products to promote and commissions vary but they can be as high as 75%.
Here's all you do to get started. First sign up as a click bank affiliate; next search the market place for various products to promote. Next put your ho plink into your advertising and promotions. A hop link is like a url or web site address that's created for you once you determine which product you are going to sell. You can put this hop link in your emails that you send out to customers and if someone clicks on it they are directed to your website, which is provided by click bank.

That individual is then given a choice whether or not to buy your product. The website that click bank provides is professionally prepared and is created immediately so this takes the burden off of those who are not tech savvy like myself.

As an affiliate you are given the option of promoting the most popular products that normally attract the attention of a lot of affiliates, these are called high affiliate gravity. Some affiliates like to promote products with less advertising exposure called lower affiliate gravity. And of course these can be sorted out by category and subcategory and by the gravity of each item. Here are some of the categories included with click bank that you can sell products in relation to: Business, health and fitness, home and family, computing and Internet, money and employment, sports and recreation, society and culture, just to name a few.

With Clickbank you receive world class customer service from their experienced representatives should you have a question or concern including tech support.So sign up now and get started making money selling products. Here is an example of how I used click bank. I went into the site and selected the tab labeled market place. This tab directed me to the various categories of products.

After selecting the product I wanted to sell I received my hop link and inserted it into my emails for my auto responder. Every time an email goes out it has my hop link at the bottom or some where in the email and when a potential customer clicks on my hop link they are directed to my professionally prepared website with expert sales copy already written. They look over the amazing information and then make a decision about whether to purchase my product or not.

To Your Great Success

Mel Richardson

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Free Websites For Starting An Internet Business

Here is a website, , that allows you to create your own website and it allows you to add some extras such as blogs, videos, and albums even if you are not tech savvy. This site actually walks you through the steps and helps you to get started with your very own customizable web site.

This is a very quick and easy process utilized for building sites without the need for HTML. HTML stands for hyper text markup language, this is basically the language that is used to design websites. It can be a bit confusing and difficult to master if you are not a web site designer. Well now you can avoid all of that with You get to choose from a over 250 templates which enable you to create a single page or a full site. Other options include adding photos, videos, a blog and more while interacting with visitors in a guest book or chatroom. There is an option that allows you to open a store to collect donations for your business or for a leisure activity.

You can start by putting your profile together including pictures, listing your favorite music, books, and other interests. It's a good idea to browse other profiles so that you can see which individuals have similar interests to yours. Freeweb also gives you a chance to add friends and leave comments on their profile pages, with a special feature. You can also send and receive messages and import an existing profile from other sites.
These are some of the other features of Freeweb: You can have a live chatroom with Shoutbox.

If you want to insert a video from another location or area such as you tube that feature is available that allows you to do just that.
Video: You are also able to insert your own video or from other locations such as you tube.
Also there is a place to express your opinions through the ratings and comments sections.

Games: Freeweb provides a number of games to explore and play and just have fun.
There is also an area for a Guestbook which allows visitors to leave messages if they desire. And check this out you can set up a poll right on your site and people can respond to any question you ask. Forms: Create a web form to collect info from visitors. There is a great feature that allows you to count the traffic that visits your site.

There is an area to blog and get your thoughts and ideas published. You can even allow visitors to leave comments on your blog.

To Your Great Success

Mel Richardson

Get Started - Set Up Your Blog And Monetize It

You can set up your own blog and start making money. You can get the whole thing set up in about 3 to 5 minutes, no joke. Just do the following and you are on your way: a. Go to and then the system will ask you for a blog title and then a blog address or URL. Searching for a URL that is not taken is probably the only delay you will run into.
b. When you enter the URL you would like you then click on the availability hyperlink and the system will either say that URL is available or it's taken in which case you have to try to find another one which has not been selected yet. There will be a little security coded lettering you have to enter and then click on the continue key.

c. Now it's time to chose the template you desire for your blog. It gives you several designs to select from. Don't worry if you change your mind about a particular template because you can always go back and change it later even after you have posted some content. You can even change it right then if you like.

d. After you select your template you are up and running and ready to go with your first post. There are a lot of features and extras that can be added to your blog. For example Google adsense. These are ads place on your blog by Google which are consistent with the material you have written in your blog.

If you write about setting and achieving goals your ads from Google will be about goals and so on and so forth. Also do not click on your own ads or Google will kick you out of the program. This is how you make money when other people visit your blog and click on your ads. Again please do not click on your own ads because Google will know and you will be banned from participating.

You may want to let others know that use your computer. In order for you to see all the features that can be added go to the blogger logo in the upper left hand corner and click on it. Now click on Layout and then click on, "Add a page element and this will show every feature that can be added.

Some are summarized below. Feature. Newsreel=> this feature give you an option to add newsreel or current headlines from Google to your blog. List ==> You can add you favorite list of books, movies, or anything you like. Picture==> You can add a picture Video Bar==> clips from youtube and google can be added. Link list===> add a collection of your favorite sites, blogs or websites. So get started with your blog right now.

Once you get your blog all set up you are on your way to start making money. Did you know some people are making a full time living from blogging. Others are making more from their blog than they would from a full time job. There is an incredible amount of money to be made but make sure you are blogging about the things you love to talk about and you are not just doing it for the money.

To Your Great Success

Mel Richardson

Friday, March 28, 2008

Joint Ventures To Build Your List and Make Money Online

One of the best ways I know to take your online business to the next level is to establish joint ventures. This allows you to start generating some incredible income. A Joint Venture is when you team up with another business owner that has a business similar to yours, and for a limited time you form a partnership. You are not really partners in the sense of a legally binding partnership agreement, but you are joint venture partners for a particular project.

Now this is normally done through emails. Here’s how it works. Let’s say there are two internet marketers and both have their own list of customers that they market to on a regular basis. Each internet marketer would promote to each others list. For example internet marketer A would send an email to his own list promoting internet marketer B’s. “ I have just come across an absolute must read newsletter from my friend internet marketer B. It’s a must read. Internet marketer B would in turn do the same thing to his own list promoting internet marketer A’s newsletter or from Cd or whatever it is. This exchange allows each internet marketer to build their own list of customers because they are receiving customers that opt in with their first name and email address from the list exchange.

If you are looking for joint venture partners you can do this by networking at seminars or you can do a search on google.

To your great success

Mel Richardson

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Make a Decision

The most successful people in the world are prudent risk takers and they step up to the plate and make decisions. They may not be the easiest because sometimes decisions can be tough. There are always crucial points in life when someone has to make a decision. Whether we go left or right when we get to the fork in the road can have the effect of elevating us to greatness or it can reduce us to the ranks of obscurity, or down the road to financial ruin.

Successful leaders know and understand this. That’s why they gather all the information they possibly can about a situation and they make quick decisions . That’s the life of the risk takers, those that aspire to live the life of success. They are the entrepreneurs of this world that dream of something better.

In our world resides those individuals that won’t settle for the status quo. They will do whatever it takes to live life on their terms, and have the freedom to travel and set their own schedules. To make a decision means to cut off any other possibility.

Legend has it that when the great warrior cortez set foot upon a foreign land to conquer, he and his army were met with an enemy that had an army that was double the size of Cortez. Not only were they out numbered but the enemy was bigger, faster and stronger. Cortez knew he needed a way to motivate his men before the battle otherwise they would be slaughtered. He summoned his two right hand men and ordered them to burn the boats upon which they sailed over on.

When the boats were nothing but ashes Cortez addressed his army. “As you can see the boats upon which we sailed over on are nothing but ashes.” Our choices are simple we go into battle and we can either win or lose. If we win we conquer this land, if we lose we die. They went into battle and they won. They left themselves no escape route. There was literally no other alternative.

What decision will you make today that takes you to the next level. Do the decisions you make give you a burning desire to be successful? What path are your decisions leading you down? Take your life to the next level and conquer your fear of making tough decisions. Choose to be great. Make a decision that will inevitably help you fulfill your goals and dream in life.

To Your Great Success

Mel Richardson
VisionStar Enterprises

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Ideas Are The Cornerstone Of Wealth and Success

Ideas are the cornerstone of building wealth and becoming financially independent. Every success story started with a great idea and then someone took massive action to make that dream a reality. All you need is one good idea to put you on the road to financial independence or to increase the millions of dollars you have already accumulated. That’s why so many people that have already achieved great success and financial independence still attend seminars, workshops and they take continuing education classes because they know one idea or one concept could be the trigger that catapults them on to the next level.

These rare individuals understand the importance of having one good idea, and how it can increase their revenue provide another stream of income and ultimately their net worth. When developing ideas you want to look for ways to solve one of the problems humanity is facing. Perhaps you can target one segment or sector of society.

Ask yourself some powerful questions. What are some of the problems of society: lack of money, gang violence, pollution, divorce, relationships, high school dropouts, teen pregnancy, domestic violence, and crime. Certainly these are some of the more severe problems but if you can find a sector of society facing a substantial problem and fix it you could be on your way to millions.

What if you could fix the turn over rate at call centers or telemarketing firms? Might there be a need for your services. Your idea does not have to be earth shattering and it doesn’t have to have astronomical implications. What problems can you come up with , better yet what solutions can you begin to implement? Your ability to find solutions will be largely dependent upon your own skills, abilities, and talents. The experiences you’ve had and the challenges you’ve faced along with the roads you’ve traveled all provide the necessary repertoire of information for you to establish a pipeline of ideas.

Remember all it takes is one good idea. Begin to expand your horizons by networking meeting new people, forming mastermind teams doing joint ventures and finding time to think and meditate all provide the necessary arsenal for you establish an abundance of ideas. Shed your comfort zone and get on the road to success.

Look at the various industries you are familiar with whether it be banking, internet marketing, sales, advertising, marketing, accounting, engineering or nursing. Is there a procedure or process than can be developed or nurtured or upgraded? Can you do it better? Can you help develop people, increase market share, create a niche market with your idea, if so you are well on your way to success.

To Your Great Success

Mel Richardson

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Purchase Real Estate And Build Your Financial Empire

Now is the time to get on the road to financial independence and achieve great wealth. Build your financial empire and set up a solid foundation. If you are looking to get a hold on your financial future they you may want to consider purchasing real estate. It is definitely a buyers market right now. In the recent past there have been so many people that have gone on to create great wealth by investing in real estate and now is the time to do it. Prices are at an all time low due to the over supply of foreclosed homes and I need not expound on the real estate market fiasco.

If you have been paying attention to the news, and you would have had to of been on another planet not to, you know there are an abundance of foreclosed home. As a purchaser of real estate this works in your behalf. it’s the old Law of Supply and Demand. As the price of a commodity goes down the amount demanded increases and it’s no different with the purchase of homes.

The sale of homes are at an all time low not to mention the manufacturing of new homes, however with the recent price cuts home sells are starting to pick up but it’s nowhere near the level it was at in the past. Therefore the opportunity to purchase a home at a really low price is very much a reality.

There are tales of those industrious, enterprising individuals that recognized an opportunity and jumped in with a fervor and purchased real estate which allowed them to build huge financial empires. In as little as two or three years they became millionaires. Eventually the real estate market will hit full stride again and those that took advantage of a great opportunity will have positioned themselves to follow in the footsteps of their predecessors.

To Your Great Success

Mel Richardson
VisionStar Enterprises.

Use Compound Interest To Help Your Money Grow

Are you looking to become financially independent? Then it’s a good idea to start saving money at an early age. The earlier the better. Once you start saving your money a magnificent concept called compound interest comes into play and begins to do great things for your money. Your money begins to grow at an astounding rate.

So amazing is this concept that Albert Einstein called it the one of the greatest inventions of mankind. So let’s take a look at this amazing concept at work and how it allows your money to grow and expand. In this first example let’s say you are 25 years of age and you invest $50 per month until you are 65 years old. Upon reaching that age you will have accumulated $24,000 and this is assuming you have earned no interest.

Now we can change the details and assume the $50 you were investing was earning interest at a rate of 4%. Instead of $24,000 you will instead have earned $59,295 because of the compounding effect of interest. The same $50 invested for the same period of time but at a rate of 7% will now accumulate to $132,006. Taking the same $50 and now using a rate of 9% it accrues to $235,822. The final example yields $594,121 using an interest rate of 12%.


25 year old person invests $50 until they turn 65 years old.

$50 =================> $24,000
$50 (4%) ===========è $$59,295
$50 (7%) ==========è $132,006
$50 (9%)=============> $235,822
$50 ( 12%) ==========è $594,121

To examine this concept more lets take a look at another example. What happens when you wait five years later to start saving the same amount of money at the same rates of interest. If a person is 30 years old and they save $50 per month until they reach the age of 65 they will have accumulated $21,000. Right up front we notice that this person ends up saving $3,000 less than the person who started at the age of 25. Following the example further using the same rates of interest we are faced with some amazing outcomes.

A 30 year old person investing $50 per month at a rate of 4% until the age of 65 will have accumulated $45,839. This is approximately $15,000 less than the 25 year old. It gets worse as we go. Look at what happens with the interest rate of 7%. The 30 year old will only have accumulated $90,578 at the age of 65.
At 9% they will have only accumulated $148,192 by the age of 65 and using a rate of return of 12% the earnings are only $324,763. This is roughly $270,000 less than they 25 year old person would have accumulated, and it’s all because they waited 5 years later to start saving. This is due to the amazing effect of compound interest, which is interest being paid on top of interest.

Compound interest is simply adding any accumulated interest earned back to the principal and the interest now becomes principal. Interest can be compounded for different periods of time including yearly, semi-annually, monthly, weekly or daily.

Now of course you have to understand that the aforementioned examples are just that theoretical in nature and they are not written in stone. What’s not taken into effect is the effect that taxes will have on your money. Even if you continuously invest without fail every single month there is no guarantee you will yield a profit, in fact you could end up losing your initial principal. What happens to your principal and interest will largely depend upon market conditions and could result in some fluctuations therefore causing you to lose your principal. The assumption here is that interest is compounded monthly.

And finally do not take the aforementioned examples as investment advice. It is my advice to you that you should still consult with your financial planner or advisor for more particulars regarding the investment of your hard earned money.

To Your Great Success

Mel Richardson
VisionStar Enterprises

Monday, March 24, 2008

Monetize Your Blog With Bidvertiser

Bidvertiser is a site that allows website owners to sell space on their web pages directly to advertisers. What’s good about this system is that Bidvertiser allows website owners to sell their ads automatically and to the highest bidder. Now here is why content on your site is important, because the better the quality of your content the more traffic, visitors, and ultimately more money if that is your desired result. With Bidvertiser ad space is sold to advertisers automatically to the highest bidder with a price per click mechanism in place. Here is what’s good the price is for the most part based on the popularity of the website and the quality of the content. One in essence leads to the other.

Here is how you make money. Every time a visitor clicks on one of the ads you get paid. Bidvertiser works on your behalf to make sure you make as much as possible by letting advertisers bid on your space. You can be assured that through this program the highest bidders will in effect be placed on your site to maximum your incoming dollars. You have the option to screen any unwanted ads and Bidvertiser also has a procedure in place to do the same. This will make sure there are no ads on your site which are inconsistent with the value and theme of your site. You may not want ads that are socially unacceptable placed on your site.

Have you ever seen a website and the ads did not go with the flow of the site? Well Bidvertiser gives you the option of strategically amending your own ads so that they will flow with the theme of your own site.

Reports are put in place that allow you to generate all of the activity generated, including the amount of money made , page impressions and clicks as well as the click through rates.

To Your Great Success

Mel Richardson
VisionStar Enterprises

Prepare For Wealth Building By Reading Educational Material

Over the years I have learned the value of seeking wise counsel from various coaches, mentors and others who have achieved the things in life I want to accomplish. One of the resources I actively pursue for knowledge is reading books. This has served me well many times in the past and even today.

The one example that comes to mind was during the time when I used to run races. There always seemed to be a race going on somewhere for one thing or another. Some were to raise money for charities, different causes, social organizations and many other charitable events. These races were 5k, 10k, 4miles, 3k and a variety of other distances.

I would register and show up and run. It was great fun after the races talking with the many competitors. After you have gone to a number of races you start to see the same faces. I remember this one couple that always showed up at the races and every race they would beat me by at least a mile. I tried different strategies but nothing seemed to help me increase my speed. I tried starting out slower hoping to pick up speed as I went but that put me to far behind the other competitors to catch up. Another strategy was to start out fast and give it all I had and hope I could finish that did not work because more times than not I ended up walking a vast majority of the race due to expending too much energy in the beginning.

Now this couple that always beat me they were about 10 to 12 years younger than I was. In my mind this was not an excuse. Also during these races I would always start at the back of the pack or somewhere in the middle of the pack, never in the front because some of the better runners would end up pushing past me to run their race because they were faster.

I finally went to the bookstore and purchased a book called, "Running for Dummies". Quickly looking through the table of contests I came across the chapter I was looking for, speed training. I read the chapter several times but none of it made sense. Let me explain I understand every word and I understood what they were telling me to do, but to me it did not make sense.

This book suggested interval training. You go to a 400 meter track and run around the track at a speed of about 10 seconds faster than your normal race speed then you run around the track at a leisurely jog pace.

Then another faster pace at 10 seconds faster than your normal race speed. You alternate these repetitions until you have completed 8 to 10 laps.

Well how in the world were these short bursts of speed supposed to help me in longer races like a 5k which is 3.2 miles? Nevertheless I performed these training measures over a period of two months. In between the training sometime during the week I would slip in a race or two but my speed was not increasing substantially. I was thinking this is not working.

One particular race I remember showing up to run as usual and there was Virgil and Holly as usual and for no reason that I can explain I remember walking to the front of the pack where all the faster runners normally start, the place that I had always avoided so I could stay out of everyone's way. I stood there for a few moments thinking what in the world am I doing up here? Why am I am the front of the pack? As I stood there the strangest thing happen. I felt a charge of energy and it just felt like someone suddenly downloaded a bolt of lightening into me and I remember thinking wow what was that? I looked down at me feet and quickly scanned the rest of my body thinking I might see this energy or whatever it was coursing through my body.

The race official sounded the gun for the start of the race and I took off like somebody had shot me out of a cannon and somehow I was able to maintain that speed for the entire race. I did not win that race because there were hundreds of competitors but I ended up posting my best time ever and beat Jim and Susie, (not their real names). in the process by a distance of about 500 feet. Now I did not beat them by as much as they beat me by but I overcame the deficit they were beating me by which was about one mile and beat them by 500 feet. What an accomplishment. How strange that my mind and body knew when I was ready to compete at a higher level. The subconscious mind actually guided me to the front of the pack without me even thinking about it.

What does that have to do with wealth building? If there is a particular strategy that you are looking to utilize then you should seek out someone that has accomplished that feat. Look for mentors, and coaches got to seminars and read books on your subject or the area that you are trying to increase your knowledge. There are some many avenues that you can pursue for wealth building. One way to build wealth is to start saving 10% of your money and put it into some type of vehicle that accumulates interest and over the course of time you will begin to see the magic of compound interest. Albert Einstein called compound interest the eighth wonder of the world because of it's amazing properties.

What if you want to pay down credit card debt? Here is a strategy. First list all of your debts on paper starting with the lowest balance first and next to the balance you list the monthly payment. When you get all the debts written down then you add up the balances and the monthly payments. This part just allows you to see where you are in the process.

Next as soon as possible pay off the lowest balance on your list first. Why? When you pay off a balance you receive a feeling of accomplishment. Your subconscious mind begins to store a success that you have experienced. The feeling here is that you are on your way and that this can be accomplished. The small victories give you motivation, inspiration and a feeling of success, along the way to fulfilling your larger victories or goals.

Once you have your smallest balance paid off whatever monthly payment you were paying to that balance you begin to pay that amount towards the next smallest balance in addition to what you were already paying towards that balance. Keep this process going until you are completely debt free. I once used this exact same method and it worked like a charm.

So whatever goal you are attempting or whatever race you are running read books about it, talk to coaches and mentors and put together a game plan that will get you from A to Z.

To Your Great Success

Mel Richardson

Prepare For Wealth Building By Reading Educational Material

Over the years I have learned the value of seeking wise counsel from various coaches, mentors and others who have achieved the things in life I want to accomplish. One of the resources I actively pursue for knowledge is reading books. This has served me well many times in the past and even today.

The one example that comes to mind was during the time when I used to run races. There always seemed to be a race going on somewhere for one thing or another. Some were to raise money for charities, different causes, social organizations and many other charitable events. These races were 5k, 10k, 4miles, 3k and a variety of other distances.

I would register and show up and run. It was great fun after the races talking with the many competitors. After you have gone to a number of races you start to see the same faces. I remember this one couple that always showed up at the races and every race they would beat me by at least a mile. I tried different strategies but nothing seemed to help me increase my speed. I tried starting out slower hoping to pick up speed as I went but that put me to far behind the other competitors to catch up. Another strategy was to start out fast and give it all I had and hope I could finish that did not work because more times than not I ended up walking a vast majority of the race due to expending too much energy in the beginning.

Now this couple that always beat me they were about 10 to 12 years younger than I was. In my mind this was not an excuse. Also during these races I would always start at the back of the pack or somewhere in the middle of the pack, never in the front because some of the better runners would end up pushing past me to run their race because they were faster.

I finally went to the bookstore and purchased a book called, "Running for Dummies". Quickly looking through the table of contests I came across the chapter I was looking for, speed training. I read the chapter several times but none of it made sense. Let me explain I understand every word and I understood what they were telling me to do, but to me it did not make sense.

This book suggested interval training. You go to a 400 meter track and run around the track at a speed of about 10 seconds faster than your normal race speed then you run around the track at a leisurely jog pace.

Then another faster pace at 10 seconds faster than your normal race speed. You alternate these repetitions until you have completed 8 to 10 laps.

Well how in the world were these short bursts of speed supposed to help me in longer races like a 5k which is 3.2 miles? Nevertheless I performed these training measures over a period of two months. In between the training sometime during the week I would slip in a race or two but my speed was not increasing substantially. I was thinking this is not working.

One particular race I remember showing up to run as usual and there was Virgil and Holly as usual and for no reason that I can explain I remember walking to the front of the pack where all the faster runners normally start, the place that I had always avoided so I could stay out of everyone's way. I stood there for a few moments thinking what in the world am I doing up here? Why am I am the front of the pack? As I stood there the strangest thing happen. I felt a charge of energy and it just felt like someone suddenly downloaded a bolt of lightening into me and I remember thinking wow what was that? I looked down at me feet and quickly scanned the rest of my body thinking I might see this energy or whatever it was coursing through my body.

The race official sounded the gun for the start of the race and I took off like somebody had shot me out of a cannon and somehow I was able to maintain that speed for the entire race. I did not win that race because there were hundreds of competitors but I ended up posting my best time ever and beat Virgil and Holly in the process by a distance of about 500 feet. Now I did not beat them by as much as they beat me by but I overcame the deficit they were beating me by which was about one mile and beat them by 500 feet. What an accomplishment. How strange that my mind and body knew when I was ready to compete at a higher level. The subconscious mind actually guided me to the front of the pack without me even thinking about it.

What does that have to do with wealth building? If there is a particular strategy that you are looking to utilize then you should seek out someone that has accomplished that feat. Look for mentors, and coaches got to seminars and read books on your subject or the area that you are trying to increase your knowledge. There are some many avenues that you can pursue for wealth building. One way to build wealth is to start saving 10% of your money and put it into some type of vehicle that accumulates interest and over the course of time you will begin to see the magic of compound interest. Albert Einstein called compound interest the eighth wonder of the world because of it's amazing properties.

What if you want to pay down credit card debt? Here is a strategy. First list all of your debts on paper starting with the lowest balance first and next to the balance you list the monthly payment. When you get all the debts written down then you add up the balances and the monthly payments. This part just allows you to see where you are in the process.

Next as soon as possible pay off the lowest balance on your list first. Why? When you pay off a balance you receive a feeling of accomplishment. Your subconscious mind begins to store a success that you have experienced. The feeling here is that you are on your way and that this can be accomplished. The small victories give you motivation, inspiration and a feeling of success, along the way to fulfilling your larger victories or goals.

Once you have your smallest balance paid off whatever monthly payment you were paying to that balance you begin to pay that amount towards the next smallest balance in addition to what you were already paying towards that balance. Keep this process going until you are completely debt free. I once used this exact same method and it worked like a charm.

So whatever goal you are attempting or whatever race you are running read books about it, talk to coaches and mentors and put together a game plan that will get you from A to Z.

To Your Great Success

Mel Richardson

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Monetize Your Blog With AdBrite

A lot of people don’t know the ins and out along with the small details of making money online with your blog. Well today I am going to share some tips and strategies with you that will help you increase the amount of money you make online with your blog. I came across a neat little site called Adbrite. With
Adbrite it’s very easy to get started. First of all you give a description of your site and you are able to get a copy of the Html code which is the ad-serving code and copy it on your site and now you are ready.

With AdBrite you are in complete control because you receive text ads which are customizable, banner ads as well as active interstitials; these are ads that are full display ads which pay more. If you don’t approve of an ad you are able to reject it for whatever reason. Maybe it’s a competitor ad or may the ad is not socially acceptable, you ca then reject it. You are also able to set the price you charge to advertisers and along with the time frame whether it be daily, monthly or weekly. Adbrite has just recently partnered with some new networks including, Burst Media, and Adpepper so this allows these networks to sell inventory to Adbrite’s marketplace.

And don’t worry if no advertisers purchase your ads network ads are placed on your site. This is my first experience with AdBrite so I am looking forward to the results I will receive once I start to generate more traffic to my blog. If I start getting 500 to 600 visitors per day then it will be well worth my while because at that point I will know that I am on my way.

To Your Great Success

Mel Richardson
VisionStar Enterprises

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Check Out Simpleology

I'm evaluating a multi-media course on blogging from the folks at Simpleology. For a while, they're letting you snag it for free if you post about it on your blog.

It covers:

  • The best blogging techniques.
  • How to get traffic to your blog.
  • How to turn your blog into money.

I'll let you know what I think once I've had a chance to check it out. Meanwhile, go grab yours while it's still free.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

The Man Who Owns The Internet

I am going to reprint a post that I did in June 2007. I think it provided excellent tips for building and creating wealth. The article title, "The Man Who Owns The Internet.

I was at the airport a couple of days ago, in Baltimore Maryland waiting for my flight to depart for Cleveland, Ohio so I decided to browse through the bookstore to pass some time. There was a magazine entitled, “ Business 2.0” that caught my attention. It was right there in living color and the caption on the cover read as follows:“The man Who owns the internet”. Kevin Ham is the most powerful dotcom Mogul you’ve never heard of. The story was by Paul Sloan.Here’s how the master of web domains built his $300 million dollar empire.

That really got my attention so I purchased the magazine. It outlined the strategy he used to accomplish that feat which basically consisted of purchasing expired domain names which were still hanging out there after the dotcom bust.Fascinating I thought. I read further. One particular day he purchased $650,000 in expired domains by way of bidding at an auction in Las Vegas.

The article goes on to say this was a cheap day. Turns out Kevin put his medical career on hold after he starting receiving income in the neighborhood of $40,000 per month from expired domain names. It was not too long afterwards that Kevin and his wife were moving out of his one-bedroom apartment. I am going to go out on a limb and say this, I don’t think he will ever treat a patient.Since 2000 he has gobbled up over 300,000 domains that generate an estimated $70 million a year in revenue, which Kevin would neither confirm nor deny.

Kevin’s last sentence in this article was, “If you control all the domains, ‘then you control the internet."This article gave a lot of detail but here is the part I found amazing. Whenever you go to a browser to type in a web address and lets say by mistake you key in .cm at the end instead of .com. Well you are automatically routed to a website called owned by Kevin, and this site is filled with ads supplied by yahoo.

If you click on the ads Kevin makes money as does his partner.Who is his partner? You’re going to love this. It’s Cameroon which is a West African country. Why Cameroon ? It’s because .cm is the country code for Cameroon so Kevin made the trip to West Africa to work out a deal with the Cameroon government for permission to use the .cm. In return the city of Cameroon will receive an undisclosed amount of compensation.It gets even better, but I won’t go into all the details.

Looks like he came up with creative ways to attain Wealth Beyond Measure. Of course there is the usual legal issues with some major corporations claiming there is an abuse of trademark, or he thinks this could happen in the future. Those things, however are for the attorneys to decide.What was also good to hear was Christianity had long been a mainstay with his family.

Ham it says will frequently steer conversations about business back to the bible. Even as an undergrad, the article says, “he made the bible a focal point of his life.

A friend from church introduced him to the web in 1992 or 1993 and told him that there was a powerful new medium to spread the gospel.He has other ambitious goals on the horizon but you can get those from the magazine. Well until the next time……

To your Great Success
Mel Richardson - Speaker - Coach - Visionary
VisionStar Enterprises

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

The State of The Economy

With the economy in such a state of turmoil did you ever wonder how the federal reserve tries to control or stimulate the economy? Did you ever wonder how the economy works and how this impacts you?
It would be to your advantage to get a clear understanding of all the integral details and how they impact you because your financial future could depend on it.

Whenever there is a downturn in the economy in the form of a recession or a depression the federal reserve will try to control, move , shift, or stimulate the economy in hopes of reversing a very depressed economy. Lowering the interest rates is one strategy. Let’s define a recession. This is when you have a downturn in economic activity, which for the most part will last at least 6 months, but more times than not it is longer. On the other hand a depression will last a lot longer, sometimes years, and its effects cover a broader, wider base and spectrum of activities and entities.

I heard someone define a recession as a situation when people are losing their jobs and a depression is when you lose your job.
Right now we are seeing a number of things that signal a recession such as fewer employment opportunities which is a result of the slow down in economic activity. When people have pessimism about the economy they keep a tight rein on their wallets and purses. Two thirds of economic activity is fueled by consumer spending. If consumers stop buying a lot of employers will have no choice but to lay off workers because the demand for their products and services is not there.

In February 2008 over 60,000 jobs were wiped out. The federal reserve bank is lowering th feds funds rate which helps consumer in terms of the interest rate they pay for auto loans, home equity loans and consumer loans. Consumers will also see less of a return on their own investments as well as a result of lower interest rates.

Just recently I was in a bank inquiring about the rates for certificate of deposits, (CD’s), they were down to 2.5% to 3% , down from 4.5% to 6%. You can probably see how this can impact your financial future.

To Your Great Success

Mel Richardson
VisionStar Enterprises


It’s been said that the vast majority of those that go on to become financially independent are Entrepreneurs. Or business owners. You can never become a millionaire working for someone else and obviously there are some exceptions to the rule, but they are rare indeed.

If you can move from a position of working for wages and into a position of working for profits then you are positioning yourself to become financially independent and this is how you begin to build great wealth, In essence you are becoming a wealth builder.

I once heard someone say that a , “Job” stands for Just Over Broke. Here is another good one too much month at the end of the money. Does that sound familiar to anyone?

That’s why now is the time to unleash the spirit of the entrepreneur and begin your journey to success and start to achieve wealth beyond measure. Entrepreneurs are risk takers, but they are calculated well thought out risks with a reasonable plan of action. They don’t wait until everything is perfect or until the time is right because they understand that now is the right time to go for it. They are willing to do whatever it takes to get to where they want to go. In actuality they become unstoppable in the quest for their goals and dreams.

The entrepreneur is not only a risk taker but a visionary as well who do not understand or even entertain the possibility of failure.

To Your Great Success

Mel Richardson
VisionStar Enterprises

The Road To Financial Independence

Are you looking to achieve financial independence? Then you probably want to try and increase your net worth. Your net worth is the figure that’s derived from subtracting your liabilities from your assets. If you net worth is not where you want to be or you have not achieved your stated goal then it/s in our best interest to increase your assets, while at the same time you want to reduce your liabilities.

A lot of people desire to become millionaires. You status as a millionaire is determined by the net worth you have accumulated. Getting to that status calls for a shift in your mindset and your way of thinking, as well as the need to put a concrete, clearly thought out plan into place. Set a specific date and now review your plan and be as specific as possible. If your goals is to become a millionaire in 3 years you must break this down into a yearly basis, then month by month and day by day.

That’s right every day you need to work on your goals. The night before put together a list of things you want to accomplish the next day that help steer you in the direction of your long term goal of financial independence.

Find out who you can talk to where can you go, what can you do that will get you where you need to be. You have to truly believe that you have the talent and ability that will enable you to accomplish your goal. It’s a must that your goal of financial independence be realistic. In other words you must have the right time frame in place.

You must develop the habit or working hard, very hard as well as smart to accomplish your desired results. Get out and meet industrious, positive, hardworking, visionary, enthusiastic people such as yourself who will help you meet your goals, and who you help achieve their dreams. It’s has been said that you cannot help someone else without also helping yourself. A team of individuals who remain committed to the cause will develop chemistry and synergy and these two ingredients together will do more than you can imagine to move your forward in your pursuit of excellence.

As a leader it’s your responsibility to have a vision and then articulate that vision to your team so that they become excited about the possibility of what can be accomplished with a joint effort. Everyone needs to know what part they play in fulfilling the mission or the vision.

To Your Great Success.

Mel Richardson
VisionStar Enterprises

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Blogging For Dollars

If you want your blog to make some serious money then you have to look at those that have done just that and imitate what they have done. It’s definitely a system. If you look around you will be able to find some blogs that are similar to yours in regards to their content.

When you go to other blogs you like start leaving comments about some things you like. Now leave a link back to your blog.

Whenever you create a post to your blog there are places you can go to get your new information updated with the search engines. You can ping the information by going to and .

Once you do the search engines will be informed of the fact that you have posted some new material on your blog.

Another way you want to make money with your blog is to advertise you blog with the social networking sites such as stumble upon, twitter, and technorati and face book.

You may want to put some ads on your blog such as bidvertise, and google ad sense these will definitely help you begin to make money on your blog.

To Your Great Success
Mel Richardson -- CEO
VisionStar Enterprises

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Generating Income While cutting back on Expenses

With the way the economy is going people are looking for a way out. Everywhere you look some company is downsizing and laying off workers because of what appears to be a recession. Consumers are hanging on to their money and not making the extravagant purchases they were making in the past. I read just today that consumers are not spending for large ticket items like automobiles, and homes, and things of this sort. You won’t find as many people dining out and especially not at the pricy restaurants.

Consumers are evening changing their driving habits because the price of gas has gone over $3 per gallon. If I am not mistaken we are at or nearing a record for the price of gasoline. One is one to do?

It’s a very good idea to set up a budget and watch you spending and track every penny. Then look at all the different areas you can cut back on spending. It seems everyone always offers these suggestions. Well lets add to these. What if we can find ways for the average consumer to generate money when times are tough?

Are you good at writing? Even if you are not good at writing you should consider this possibility as a source of income. One particular website actually pays it participants to write articles. There are hundreds of different categories you can write about including the following:

automobiles, blogging, flowers, gardening, business, goal setting, leadership, arts and humanity, religion, spirituality, computers, creative writing, poetry, health and fitness, education, entertainment, sports and recreation, relationships and family, pets and animals, jobs and careers, food and drink, sciences, style and beauty, and travel, just to name a few.
Somewhere in the above list, or other lists you are an expert or semi- expert on something. Start now to write articles and you can begin to get paid. Where do you do this at ? You can go to

There are even contests you can enter and earn even more money. You will find contests for college students to enter which allows them to earn extra spending money. Helium works this way, first of all you register on the site and start writing articles in your favorite category. You also have to rate the articles that others have written and others are rating your articles as well.

The best articles rise to the top in a particular category based on the rating system and the articles at the top have the best chance to be read by other readers which allows them to get paid when the advertisements are clicked on.

You can also enter contests based on different publishers and get paid if your article is selected by one of the partnering publishers to be used on their site. Some of these publishers pay good money for the articles. I have seen as low as $6.40 per article and as high as $180 per article and higher depending on the category.

So get started today.

To Your Great Success.

Mel Richardson
VisionStar Enterprises

Affiliate X - Internet Marketing

When ever you are talking about success and financial independence, and becoming insanely rich it always starts with small incremental gains.

go here now:

Some people want to make a million dollars in one day when they have never even made $10 online or in any other business venture.

You need to set your goal on making small amounts and then increase them as you go. First decide that you want to make $10 then $100 and then $1000 before you take on the goal of one million dollars.

go here now:

There is a reason for this. First of all when you win the small battles it gives you the confidence to know that you can accomplish bigger goals. Your confidence and faith builds when you experience these small victories.

Also you get a filling of accomplishment knowing that you have fulfilled a goal that you have set out to achieve. These are the building blocks that spur you on and give you the impetus to perform even greater task and goals and eventually they lead you to fulfilling your destiny and living your dreams.

Here is a program called Affiliate X which allows you to start with the small victories. Everytime someone signs up on this link I receive one dollar and you can get in on the action as well.

If you sign up and someone joins under you this gives you an opportunity to receive one dollar for every person that signs up.

go here now:

Start building your financial empire, by winning the small victories.

To Your Great Success

Mel Richardson
VisionStar Enterprises