Monday, May 28, 2007

Wealth Beyond Measure

Are you ready to start making money online? Interested in internet marketing? What if there was a seminar that showed you how to start your own internet marketing business and explain some overcomplicated terms and help you get up and running in no time?

Would you be interested in attending? What if it was a hands on dynamic step by step process that allow you learned as much as possible about internet marketing and at the same time make money? What if the same seminar explained the goal setting process?

How about the principles of entrepreneurship and over 20 other wealth building strategies all designed to create wealth beyond measure!
Well, it’s your lucky day, because a seminar is in the making as we speak. These are some of the wealth building strategies you will learn.

At last the most intensive wealth building workshop you will ever encounter.
A hands on step by step approach designed to help you achieve wealth beyond Measure.

You will become aware of the secrets of the internet millionaires :

Internet Marketing

Discover the powerful secrets of the internet millionaires
Achieve Financial Independence
Learn the Secrets of starting your own internet marketing business
Discover amazing secrets for establishing customers
Find out how to develop your own products
SEO - search engine optimization
Building an email list
How to guide traffic to your website
Using Articles to build your business
How to start a blog
How to drive traffic to your blog
Learn how to make money on line
Google Adsense
Google Adwords
Banner Ads


How to start your business
which business style is best ( sole proprietorship -- corporation -- Limited Liability Corp, partnership)
How to Market your business
advantages and disadvantages

How To Quickly and Easily Sell on Ebay!

Start selling on EBay
Learn how to set up your own ebay store
Learn how to make profits on ebay
How To Quickly and Easily Sell on eBay! Learn the truth about selling loads and loads of products using the world's #1 auction juggernaut. If you thought eBay is just for clearing out junk in your're dead-bang wrong! eBay is the fourth most visited site on the Net and over $14 Billion dollars in business flow through this site. I'm talking everything from multi-million dollar estates to slippers. There are over 100 million registered users who are already looking for your product.

Goal Setting

Learn the eight elements of a goal
Discover the six areas in life to set goals
Find out how to become more efficient and effective
Discover how to double your income
Learn the secrets of societies elite
Embrace the Secrets of the Wealthiest People
Find out how to stop procrastinating
Learn excellent time management skills
Find out what 3% of the world knows
Also over 20 different wealth building strategies.
Coaching also available.

Stay Tuned For More

To Your Great Success

Mel Richardson
VisionStar Enterprises
P.O. Box 22661
Beachwood, Ohio 44122

Overcoming Murphy's Law

Just recently I was invited to speak at the Rotary Club at the Powerhouse, Windows on the River. Unfortunately murphy's law was operating and in full force. Nothing was going right. Even though I had been there before I left the house very early giving myself an extra hour and fifteen minutes to get there for a trip that takes ten minutes.

Good thing. I knew I had to make sure things were set up for the presentation. Just as I reached my destination, ( or almost), I came upon a detour sign. At this point I had to find a different route and ultimately I was re-routed through the city for an additional 20 to 25 minutes, which was a little nerve wracking, even though I was about 500 feet from my intended destination.

I finally arrived still with plenty of time and after looking at the stage I saw that I would be standing at a podium with a microphone attached. This is not for me I thought. This would limit my mobility and give me a feeling of being restrained. Good thing for me I brought my own equipment including my wireless microphone. I clicked the on button the power pack for the mic and soon discovered that the battery was weak and I would not be able to use it. Wow! I had meant to check that battery earlier in the week. Oh well too late now.

The technical guy showed up and some how I was not able to get a connection from my lap to top the LCD projector and of course the audience would not be able to see my presentation on the screen. Oh boy. Here we go I thought. He made some adjustments and more adjustments for about 15 minutes mean while the program is starting. Good thing I was not going to be the first one up to speak. I immediately thought about taking some notes from the power point presentation and taking them to the podium with me. The tech guy finally made the connection great. Great I thought. What a relief.

However during my presentation I reached a point where my writing was so tiny I could not read it. I did not have this problem the last time I gave my presentation because I was much closer to the screen because I had my wireless mic which allowed me to roam around.

Immediately after my presentation I thought about all the obstacles that stood before: finding a new direction; lap top not functioning; portions of the presentation not legible; mic not working, not to mention all the different ways I could have communicated my presentation.

For the most part I was able to keep my composure, and nevertheless I got through it and got a chance to meet some great people. Sometimes we have to overcome murphys law while pursing success.
Well that's all for now.

To Your Great Success.

Mel Richardson, MBA - Speaker - Coach - Visionary
VisionStar Enterprises

Adloco - Wealth Strategies

Make $1,000s every month! Are you getting paid for watching advertisement on TV? No... Are you getting paid for reading advertisement on the newspapers? No..

Companies around the world are spending billions of dollars to have their products and services advertised on TV, radio and Newspapers. We, the readers, do not get paid a cent when we watch or read the ads.

Do you want to make money with your computer? Do you want to get paid watching the advertisement on your computer? If the answer is yes then you need to join ADLOCO.

Membership is ablsolutely FREE and you could make $1,000s every month depending on your effort. By becoming a member of AGLOCO, you will be able to download a Viewbar on which the advertisement is presented to you. You only need to turn on the Viewbar for 5 hours a MONTH, and you will get paid.

To maximize your earning, you can introduce Agloco to you friends/families and you will be rewarded 25% of what they earn and this referral system is 5 level deep. What does it mean? It means it is so much easier to recruit and build your network, and build your wealth!

So...what are you waiting for??? If you are really serious to make money online, you should act now. Click the banner below to register for FREE and start building your own network.

To Your Great Success

Mel Richardson - MBA
Speaker, Coach, Visionary
VisionStar Enterprises
P.O. Box 22661
Beachwood, Ohio 44122

Go to this link to get started:



Check This out I just added a feature that allows you to access content from my blog by way of your cell phone. Just click on the buzme
button and go for it.


Rise When We Fall

One, Two , Three.... Hello!? What am I doing? I am counting someone out. You see I'm a referee (just pretending) and I am officiating tonight's heavyweight championship fight. One competitor has just knocked his opponent down. So as the referee it’s my job to start counting. I guess you can say that I am counting him out.

Is he out cold? I don't know yet. What I do know is when I reach ten, if he has not gotten to his feet he loses, and this contest is over.

Four, Five, Six..........

Well, I suppose I can take some time between counting and speak with you. Have you ever been to a boxing match? I haven't. However I have watched quite a few on T.V. If you have ever seen one of the fighters get knocked down, look over into his corner where his trainer, manager and cut man is. They are all yelling get up!! Get up!! Get up!!

They know if the boxer is not severely hurt that once he rises he has a chance to compete once again and maybe even win the boxing match. Have you ever fallen and somebody implored you to get up!! Get up!!! Get over it!! Go on with your life! Or maybe they just started counting you out.

Every so often we need those words of encouragement that keep us going when we fall down in life. Maybe "get over it" isn't the exact words of encouragement we were looking for but sometimes that's what we need. It shocks us back to our senses and helps us to find our way back to reality.

We all need someone to say get up!! get up!! "I am counting on you". I have complete faith and confidence in you. Get up, because we need you. Don't we need to hear that when we are not at our best and we feel like we are ready to toss in the towel?

There is something to be learned from boxer's and their strategy. There is a strategy involved even when they are getting up. We have to be careful that we don't get up too quickly otherwise we could walk into the same situation or, in the case of a boxer, the same punch. Oft times it's a very good idea to take an assessment of what knocked us down. Was it a good friend, some debt, a family member, or our jobs? We can get knocked down by a number of things.

As I said even when getting up boxers utilize a strategy. Sometimes the manager will tell his fighter to stay down if he feels it will be detrimental to his health to get up, and try to continue fighting. That's says we have to know when something is not working and when it's time to go in another direction. No sense in beating our head against a wall.

Other times a trainer will tell his fighter to stay down until the referee gets to the count of 7 or 8.

When a fighter has been knocked down they will stay down as long as possible to give themselves a chance to clear their head. How about you? Have you ever had a failed business, or career, or job or relationship and you jumped to your feet too quickly and didn't give yourself time to clear your head... only to get knocked down again.

Seven, Eight.......

Also you have to make sure you have the right team in place. The right trainer, coach, mentor, manager, or people that are going to act in your best interest and help you to achieve those goals in life you are aspiring to. It's so important to have those at your side who will give you the right instruction and be truthful even though it's uncomfortable, and not send you back into a situation that will be detrimental to your career and block you from pursuing your dreams in life.

There is an old boxing joke that goes something like this: A fighter gets knocked down and barely makes it back to his corner. He tells the trainer I'm a little dizzy and now I see three guys in the ring instead of just my opponent. The trainer tells him not to worry about it, just hit the guy in the middle. Who's in your corner? Who's on your team? Are you receiving correct instruction?

Nine, Ten....

Oh Boy! I made it to the count of ten. Did you make it to your feet before I got to ten. Did I count you out? What problem or situation were you facing that knocked you down? Did you get up too fast? Did you take an assessment of the situation and re-evaluate a new game plan.?

Hey you better take it easy. Are you okay? Is everything alright? Are you ready to give it another shot? Good!! Then by all means get up!! Get up!! Get up!! Come on now we are counting on you to take the fight to another level.

To Your Great Success

Mel Richardson
VisionStar Enterprises
P.O. Box 22661
Beachwood, Ohio 44122

P.S. Get more information about AGLOCO
go to:

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Courage Despite The Fear

We all have a fear of something. There are people who go through life with a fear of this and a fear of that. Fear is a paralyzing state. I was reading a book, "Born to Win" by Lewis Timberlake, a motivational speaker, and there was a quote that said, "Fear is a dark room where negatives are developed."

Doesn't that sound right? Imagine a closed in damp, dirty, dark, musty closet where fear resides. What can possibly come from a situation like that except fear. Fear is not knowing what lies ahead. When our way seems dark and we are not sure which direction we should take there is a sense of dread and fear. Fear is generated when we are not familiar with our surroundings

If we make an attempt to journey outside of our comfort zones then fear sets in, because we are not accustomed to the new environment. We are challenged to do something new and take some risks and give up our old habits and old ways of thinking. Can this possibly, maybe set us up for failure? Who wants to fail? Right? Ah just as I thought, the fear of failure.

I also heard someone say we were born with two fears; the fear of falling and the fear of loud noises. All other fears are learned. Hmm? Can we unlearn those fears?

Consider this poem, by either Marianne Willamson and Nelson Mandela. I am not sure who the originator is, but I believe it to be Marianne Williamson. Nevertheless the short version is, "Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.

What an awesome statement. We all have a fear of the great success we can become if we step out of the shadows of mediocrity and shed the ranks of obscurity, and move beyond the confines of our comfort zone and push fear aside.

When we actually get a picture of who we are and what we can become it frightens us. So we sabotage our success with unbelief, negative thoughts, and we embrace our comfort zone.

What do you fear? What's holding you back? Are you in a dark room watching all the negatives develop? Are you afraid of who you are and what you can become? Does fear have you in it's icy grip?

If so I would say it's time to move up and out, past the comfort zone. It's time to move on to pursue your greatness and fulfill your destiny. It's time to face your fears and unlock your potential.

Be of good courage. Courage, I have heard, is not the absence of fear but the ability to act despite the fear. Can't get past the fear? Then encourage yourself. Your words have power.

Say good things to yourself. Say, "You Can Do It", Come on, let's go, Say things that get you motivated and excited. Is there a motivating and uplifting song you can listen to? An abundance of wealth is waiting for you on the other side of fear.

There are rich and wealthy relationships beckoning to you ; rich and wealthy family relations; rich and wealthy social life; rich and wealthy spiritual awareness; rich and wealthy
intellectual development; rich and wealthy health and hapiness; and a rich and wealthy bank account.

Think of the awesome reasons that you are pursuing your great dreams. Think of what you want to accomplish.

Now I can say, Come on, You Can Do It! It's time to move. It's Time To go forth and make things happen. Nothing can stop you.

To Your Great Success

Mel Richardson
VisionStar Enterprises
P.O. Box 22661
Beachwood, Ohio 44122

Monday, May 21, 2007

Foundations of Success

It occurred to me that the starting point of all success is a solid foundation. Before you can achieve an extraordinary level of success you must be clear about what you are trying to accomplish, in other words you must establish your purpose.

We all have a specific purpose or a definitive thing we are to accomplish in this life. Once you understand your purpose you are in line to achieve greatness. Having purpose gives you a reason to get up in the morning - It creates energy, excitement, enthusiasm, passion, direction, and drive. You get the feeling that you can accomplish the impossible. And the truth be told you can!

I also noticed that a lot of students graduate not knowing there purpose - therefore they go from job to job, business to business, and activity to activity. I like to call it aimless drifting. They never achieve the great results and accomplishments they were destined for.
An understanding of your purpose unlocks the creative genius inside you then establish a burning desire to achieve your goals because you are operating within the confines of your purpose.

You are then contributing to society in a beneficial way and you are having fun. And it's my purpose to help those in the pursuit of great success to establish a solid foundation and build from there and ultimately go on to greatness.

To Your Great Success

Mel Richardson
VisionStar Enterprises
P.O. Box 22661
Beachwood, Ohio 44122

Sunday, May 20, 2007

The Power Of The Subconscious Mind

About ten years ago I discovered the great power of the subconscious mind. I stumbled upon it by accident. I had gone to a local gym to play a pick up game of basketball. Now I have to tell you I am a very super competitive individual. However on this particular day I really did not feel like being competitive. My main objective was to play a couple of games and get some excercise and just have some fun.

We were playing a half court game. The team that reached 12 points first won. Each basket counted as one point. My team consisted of 4 players as did the other team. As I mentioned earlier I did not feel like being really competitive and apparently everyone else on my team felt the same way, because before long the score was 9 to 3 in favor of our opponents. That's when the game took a strange turn. When the other team scored their 9th point one of their team members yelled out .... NEXT!!!!

What's meant by this is the winning team is telling the next team on the sidelines to warm up and get ready because for all practical purposes this game is over. It's really a sign of disrespect to the team that is still on the court, even though they are losing. I took offense to that. I remember thinking these thoughts immediately afterwards...."We will not lose this game". Suddenly I increased the intensity in my own game and my teammates sensed this new level of intensity.
I played harder and they played harder. Eventually the game ended and we won by a score of 12 to 10. After that game I really did not give it much thought. The only thing I know is that we increased our intensity and began to play the game at a higher level.

But there was more to it than that. I now can sit back and reflect on how I was feeling. After I began to think those thoughts..."We will not lose this game", there was absolutely no doubt in my mind. There was no time sit back and rationalize a game plan. I had no specific plan of action on how we were going to win that game.

I merely sent to my subconscious mind an unquestioned belief backed by supercharged emotion and my subconscious mind mapped out the game plan, for the victory. Your thoughts are things and they form the basis for what you become and what you do.
Never underestimate the power of your subconscious mind. Once you send an unquestioned command to the subconscious mind backed by a state of belief mixed with faith and charged with emotion the subconscious goes to work to make it come true. It begans to work even while you are sleep. It never rests until that goal is realized.

Tap into the power of your subconscious mind to reach your goals in 2007 and become the success you were destined to become. Make your massive fortune a reality.

To Your Great Success.

Mel Richardson - CEO
P.O. Box 22661
Beachwood, Ohio 44122
216-956-3640VisionStar Enterprises

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Bank sales training - Product Knowledge

The first line of attack
Within every organization you have a certain group of associates who are on the front line and they ultimately become the first line of defense. In other words they determine the level of success your organization is going to experience while trying to accomplish its mission. At restaurants it’s the cashiers or the employee handling the drive through window.

At a grocery store it’s the clerks and the cashiers. Within a car dealership it’s the salesman. This same principle or concept applies for tellers at a bank. They set the stage for on going relationships with customers and future transactions which ultimately translate into cash. That’s why it’s so important to establish rapport by delivering world class customer service. Actually nothing else should be acceptable. If you have two establishments and both have identical products it’s the customer service received that can sway their decision to buy or not. This is what determines if them will frequent your organization or your competitors.

Remember a dissatisfied customer may not always voice their opinion they just won’t return to your establishment to do business. Not only that they will tell everyone they know about the displeasure they experienced.

If a teller is not giving outstanding customer service or becomes rude with a customer there is a good chance you may lose that customer to a competitor. Or they will never purchase another product from your organization even if they need it. This definitely affects the bottom line. Or along the same lines what if the tellers are not asking probing questions that will determine the needs of customers which can help bring in revenue for the bank.

What if rapport is not being established. Once needs are determined the correct product can be offered to your customers. The more of your products and services that a customer has the least likely they are to leave your bank. That’s why it is so important to maximize every single opportunity.

Customers should come to depend on you as their banker or consultant who has their needs and best interest at heart. If a customer determines that you’re looking out for their best interest they will be more likely to do all their banking with you. Some where down the line this can lead to as many as three or four different products that a customer has with your bank. And that’s the ultimate goal.

It’s not the Tellers responsibility to sale a product to the customer, but they must make the connection, establish rapport through probing questions, determine a need and refer the customer to the platform staff for the actual sell. Therefore it does require that they have some basic product knowledge. And it all starts with a great attitude accompanied with a great smile. If your staff of tellers have a great attitude half the battle is won. A great attitude can do more for referrals than you can imagine. Some customers will be referred even if they don’t have a need for a product based on a tellers superior attitude, ( Of course we always want to do the right thing and it’s up to the platform staff to determine if a need does in fact exist) .
So it starts with a great attitude which comes with a great smile.

When you put the customer at ease with your superior attitude it is far easier to establish rapport. Customers will more than likely want to be converse with you. They will look at you as someone that can be trusted. This opens the door to determine the customers needs.
So now it’s time to recognize the customers needs . How do we that? They always give clues. Just listen to the customer and they will tell you in so many words what product or service they need.
Be on the lookout for customer needs --- they always give clues.

Example: customer: My checking account is overdrawn again ---- answer: offer the over draft protection. The first time you use it it will pay for itself. Let me get someone to speak with you further.

Example 2: customer ---- these bills are keeping me from enjoying life I have to mail ten checks per month ----answer: offer the home equity line of credit. Mr. Johnson we can offer you the home equity line of credit and consolidate all your debts. At the very least we can offer a credit card with a promotional rate which can save the customer money on one of the credit cards at least. Perhaps we can refinance the first mortgage and consolidate everything. How about the online banking service. This will save the customer time and money. No longer will the customer have to write out checks.

Example 3: customer: My mortgage payments are too high so is the interest rate. Answer: offer to refinance the first mortgage and the customer may want some cash as well --- or maybe there are some other bills to consolidate.

Example: 4 customer: I just retired. CSR: How are you going to handle your 401k or retirement money.
Those were just some of the many examples of how customers give us clues to their needs.
When you talk to your customers today what needs can you uncover.

This will serve to increase your product offering per customer.
Now lets talk abut Customer Relationship Management and some key statistics. Consider these facts.

Customer Relationship Management is important because the more products and services
from your bank that a customer has the more likely they are to stay with your bank.

A customer with four of a banks products and services is more likely to stay with that bank
than if they only had one product or service.

That's why it is so important to continuously engage the customer to see if another need

So you can see why it is critical to build those relationships and increase your product offering per customer.

Put your game plan into place:

It starts with a superior attitude accompanied with a smile.
You have to have the rightAttitude
You need basic Skills in place
Knowledge ( a basic knowledge of the products and services offered)

How do you get more referrals

Getting those referrals
Be enthusiastic and sincere
Believe in the products
Know that you are truly helping your customers

So as a teller it’s always a good idea to stay mentally sharp so that you will be able to recognize the needs of the customers which puts you in a position to respond to the customers needs and make recommendations for the customers .And finally you are able to refer the customer to the appropriate platform staff for the sell.

Recognizing the customer needs always centers around several key items. First the customer has a problem that needs to be solved. We live in a microwave society people want things done better and faster so there is definitely a need for convenience. What product or service can you think of that provides convenience for the customer.

Practically every customer has a need to save money whether it be in a checking, savings, CD, IRA or whatever type of savings vehicle you can think of.
Also customers have a need to borrow money. We live in a credit based society therefore we use credit to finance large ticket items like homes, cars, boats, RV’s, vacation home, vacations, consolidation of debts etc.

During your encounter with customers it’s a good idea to actively listen for the words that can trigger a need.

After recognizing the need you want to relay the features and benefits to the customers. Always mention the benefit that is most important to the customer. Then try to bring or mention the other benefits that the customer will derive satisfaction from. The more benefits you can give the customer the better, of course you don’t want to overload and overwhelm them.

Now you want to put yourself into the equation. Show how you understand the problem and how you can help provide a solution . Use phrases that show you are concerned about the customers problem and you are ready to help.

Example: It looks like you will need help consolidating those debts.
Or, I can help you get that 401k moved over into an IRA.

Benefits Vs. Features
Credit card with a promotional apr Feature --- This card will save you money
Home equity line of credit $10k ---- feature ---- saves money with low Apr --- tax write off ---
Save time by consolidating.
A good selling point is to point out the benefits. Stressing the benefits help you to relate to
The customers needs better.

Send the customer to the platform.
Here are some good phrases to use when you send a customer to the platform:
Example: Based on what you have told me I think it is very important for you to speak with John or Marilyn they are the experts for that particular product. Always build the credibility of your team members. O r this is a great idea…. Let me get someone for you to speak to.

Role play with someone. Pretend you are the teller in a situation then switch it around and be the customer.

Objections -
1. If there are objections you may have to clarify some other things with the customer
2. You may have to provide more information
3. Don’t take rejection personal
4. Stress the benefits
Common Objections:
Objection: I don’t need any more credit

I don’t want to pay any fees

I keep my savings and checking accounts
At another bank.

I don’t have the time --
I don’t think I will qualify

Overcome the objections:
1. First acknowledge you heard the objection
2. Clarify the objection --- this may call for you to paraphrase ---
3. Then take action with the referral

I understand how you feel Mr. Johnson…..
Many of my customers felt the same way…
However, after trying it out, they found that they could save a lot of time
Feel Felt Found.

Role play to overcome objections
Put together an action plan to put the information into action.
Celebrate your success.

All of these activities help to build wealth and increase profits and revenue with your bank.

To Your Great Success

Mel Richardson

Career Success- College Graduates --Set Goals

Lights, Cameras, Action --- Are you looking to become a star employee??? Is Career Advancement your goal? Great!!! Pay close attention!!! You have got to become a super star.

That's right. You must stand out from the competition by doing what losers don't like to do. Become an overachiever. Let your boss know about the good ideas you have and keep a track record of the ideas whether they are implemented or not.

Also it's a good idea to improve your communication skills. Your ability to advance is going to be largely dependent upon your interpersonal skills. Therefore it would be a good idea to make an investment in your communication skills. Take a speech class, join toastmasters, speak up in team meetings. Always look for ways to develop those skills and watch the difference it makes.

Have a vision of where you want to go---- talk to someone in the position you are going after. See what the opportunities and challenges are---- shadow someone in that department to see if this is what you really what to do. Get a feel for that job.

Get yourself a mentor---- Find a coach --- all the great ones have coaches --- Michael Jordan , Tiger Woods ---- Alex Rodriguez and the list goes on.

A college degree is no guarantee of success --- always develop your skills ---- takes continuing education classes --- go to seminars ----listen to CD's --- read motivational material and then put the information to work --- Your mind is like an ax --- you must continually sharpen it so that it works more effectively.

Tap into your creative genius --- go above and beyond the call of duty --- become a problem solver

Always think interms of the big picture --- make it a win/win situation

Set goals in all six areas of life ---- have a balanced strategy.

Put together your own personal development plan. ----

Learn from the experts ----

Understand your purpose --- make sure you know how you fit into the entire scheme of things. What is it that you do better than others --- what is your assignment? Tap into your spiritual gifts... Begin to flow in the direction of your purpose -----fulfill your destiny --- What are you passionate about? Your purpose should align with your values and your own personal mission statement.

Find out where you can utilize your talents and ability to their full extent.

Find out what's going on with your competitors ---- keep abreast of industry news. -- Read the Wall Street Journal --- Time --- Business week ---- The New York Times --- USA Today.

To Your Great Success

Mel Richardson

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Successful Coaching

Have you started your journey to success? Watch out for the land mines because they are there. You can probably make your way through the landmines with a few casualties of course. Maybe you will get lucky but all the time you spend going very slow trying to avoid the landmines will be astronomical. You lose time, money, energy and patience trying to find your way without any help.So why bother? Get a coach. Someone who has already navigated the fields you are about to cross. Get going and follow the tracks to success. You owe it to yourself to get a life coach that will help you wipe out the deficit between where you are and where you want to go. A coach will hold you accountable and help steer you in the direction of your dreams. To Your Great Success Mel Richardson- CEO VisionStar Enterprises P.O. Box 22661 Beachwood, Ohio 44122 216-752-1039

The Amazing Power Of Visualization

A runner walks out to the track. He begins to stretch and warm up in anticipation of the race that’s about to unfold. He takes some deep breaths to relax himself and oxygenate the blood. Now he positions himself in the starting blocks to make sure he has maximum acceleration. The hands spaced appropriately on the track. He rocks back and forth to feel what it is like to propel himself out of the starting blocks. A few mock take offs are done which leads to a sprint equal to about 60% of his normal race speed. Everything must be concise and precise. He walks back to the starting blocks and rehearses this ritual all over again.

Now the race official appears and asks all the participants to line up in their appropriate starting position. He barks out the command, “Runners on your mark, Get set! Then the gun sounds! The runner takes off down the track, with all the other participants, careful to keep perfect form. He is aware of every step. He sees his competitors closing fast on his left and right. Now he goes into overdrive and really begins to accelerate down the track and he is quickly coming to the finish line and it’s a very close race, neck and neck, he and several competitors. At the very last instant he sticks his head out over the finish line and wins by a nose.

Cameras are flashing, the other runners come over to congratulate him and he begins his victory lap excited about the feat he has just accomplished. Ah! Now it’s time for the real race to take place. You see the aforementioned scenario only took place in his mind. He simply visualized what he wanted to accomplish.

This is the procedure so many of the most successful and great individuals follow in preparation of the event or activity they are trying to accomplish. They visualize it in their minds first. It is their uncanny ability to mediate and see clearly in their minds the entire event unfold just as they want it to. Before anything can be accomplished in the physical realm it first comes into existence as a thought or image.

Once a thing or event is visualized and one is in a state of total belief the subconscious mind works day and night to make it a reality. This is one of the marvels of the magnificent human mind. It has the ability to bring things into existence which sometimes can seem like an impossibility.

The mind makes them possible. This amazing power works no matter what it is one is trying to accomplish. An employee in the lower ranks of an organization might visualize himself as an executive of that same organization. If this process is done consistently and in a state of total belief the subconscious will eventually make it a reality. Putting this power to work right now can make your dreams a reality. Start visualizing what you want to accomplish.

Begin to visualize those great accomplishments in your own life.
Unleash your greatness.

To Your Great Success

Mel Richardson
VisionStar Enterprises
P.O. Box 22661
Beachwood, Ohio 44122


P.S. It's time to visualize your way to success

Goal Setting - The Gateway To Success

Are you aware that only 3% of the world's population have written goals?
And they are, by far, the most successful people in the world.

When you sit down and take the time to actually write out your goals you set in motion mechanisms which you are not even aware of. What am I talking about? Your subconscious mind goes to work to help you fulfill your goals. It never rests until you arrive at your written destination.

As long you are passionate and have a burning desire to achieve your goals.

Also you goals should consist of these eight elements as outlined by Lewis Timberlake.

Number 1. Written

Your goals have to be written. Writing out your goals have you establish clarity about what you are trying to accomplish. You establish a road map on how you are going to get from A to Z. Don't miss this last point. When you write out your goals something happens within the subconscious mind that causes you to react and bring those things into existence --- It's almost like a self programming.

Number 2. Personal

Your goals have to be personal. I cannot set goals for you nor can you set goals for me. They have to be things that you want to achieve and accomplish. When the obstacles come in the pursuit of your goals and they will you are more likely to continue on and perservere if they are your own goals. If someone else sets the goals for you chances are you will give up at the first sign of trouble.

Number 3. Continual

The goal setting process is a continual process. You should always set goals. Once you hit one goal you move on to the next and the next. Certainly there will be times when you have to make ammendments and adjustments, but you still continue on with the goal setting process, hitting one after the other.

Number 4. Encompassing.

Your goals should cover all six areas of your life which include the following:

  1. Mental
  2. Physical
  3. Social
  4. Spiritual
  5. Career
  6. Family

This helps you to establish a balanced stratgegy.

Number 5. Realistic/Believable.

When you set your goals they should be realistic and believable. You

have to truly believe that you are going to be able to accomplish the things you set out to do. They have to be realistic. If you are working as a cook at a fast food restaurant and you want to become an engineer in 6 months. Well most likely that is not going to happen. It doesn't mean it can never happen, you just need to make that a long term goal.

Number 6. Specific

You need to make your goals as specific as possible with as much detail and establish a deadline for their accomplishment.

Number 7. Compatible

You should never have a goal in one area of your life that's

incompatible with another area.

Number 8. Workable

After everything has been said and done you finally need a workable plan of action. You need to take action.

And finally remember this quote by Dr. Benjamin Mays.

It must be borne in mind that the tragedy of life

does not lie in not reaching your goal.

The tragedy lies in not having a goal to reach for.

It is not a calamity to die with dreams unfulfilled.

It is a calamity not to dream.

It is not a disaster to be unable to capture your idea.

But it is a disaster to have no idea to capture.

It is not a disgrace to be unable to reach the stars but

it is a disgrace to have no stars to reach for.

-----Dr. Benjamin Mays

To Your Great Success

Mel Richardson

VisionStar Enterprises

P.O. Box 22661

Beachwood, Ohio 44122


P.S. If you want to become a millionaire then you have to make that your goal -----Written it down --- It must be personal--- you must have a burning desire to accomplish it. Go for it!!!!

Internet Millionaire - On Line Marketing Business

Hi There,

Are you ready to make history??!
Are you ready to become a millionaire??
Are you ready to tap into your hidden potential
and make it happen?

I thought so and right now I am going to reveal
some of the secrets of one of the internet millionaire
marketing gurus, Matt Bacak.

If you follow these strategies you will be able to
take your on line business to the next level and
reach the status of financial independence.

These strategies will help your business and it
does not matter what kind of business you are in.

Lets start with three steps to get you up and running
and on your way to millions.

1. go to a location on the internet called
to buy your domain name. A domain is a web address
or a url.

Step Two:

2. apply for a private hosting account.

Step Three:

3. Next you start building your list.
a. So you need to set up a squeeze - a squeeze
page is a mini web site with limited information
that has a compelling information that entices
people to opt in by keying in their first name and
primary email address.
b. To build your list you need to write articles any
where from 600 to 800 words and submit them to
the free ezines. These articles should have your name
company name, address, phone and your Url or domain
name. these will show up as a link when your article is
printed and it will direct people to your squeeze page to opt in
when they click the link in the article.

c. To build your list you need to write press releases is a good place to go to do this.

d. Do Joint ventures -- a joint venture is when you team
up with someone else who has an on line business and
they have a list of clients. You have them send out an
email to their list promoting your product, service or event.

e. advertising- You can advertise in other people's newsletters.
You can also advertise on other people's websites.

f. Search engine traffice --- The next way to build your list is through traffic from
the search engines. There is paid traffice and there's free traffic. By paid traffic
that is in reference to payf for clicks or pay-per click and free traffic is about
search results.

That's it for now.

To Your Great Success

Mel Richardson - CEO
Speaker -- Coach --- Visionary
VisionStar Enterprises.
P.O. Box 22661
Beachwood, Ohio 44122


Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Speak Now - A Professional Speaker

Did you know that professional speaking is the
highest paid profession in the world.

However reaching this level does not happen overnight.
The only way to hone your skills is to practice, practice,
practice and practice.

It's called stage time. How do you get this stage time?
Whenever and however you can. Some ways to do this
is by joining toastmasters, speaking at your church, speaking
at the local schools in your area.

You may want to join the Chamber of commerce. Other ways
include volunteering to speak at a rotary club, or a kiwanis club.
Actually there are many ways to do this.

Once you put in the necessary hardwork you will be on your way to becoming a million dollar speaker and achieving your goals and dreams.

To Your Great Success.

Mel Richardson --Speaker -- Coach --- Visionary
VisionStar Enterprises
P. O. Box 22661
Beachwood, Ohio 44122

The Amazing Power That Dwells Within

There is a power lying hidden in man , by the use of which he
can rise to amazing heights and incredible achievements.

This great power allows man to create his own future accomplish the impossible,
create a massive fortune and begin to live his dreams.

Man will not be able to use this great power until he is sufficiently evolved
to do so.

The great power within allows man to tap into the unlimited infinite
power of the universe and link to the universal mind.

  • establish excellent relations
  • create a massive fortune even if you are starting with nothing
  • increase your spiritual awareness
  • achieve your most important goals
  • learn the secrets of the wealthiest people in the world

go to:

To Your Great Success

Mel Richardson

VisionStar Enterprises

P.O. Box 22661

Beachwood, Ohio 44122

Monday, May 14, 2007

Mastermind Team

If you want to create a massive fortune and a huge empire
you must create your mastermind team.

Once you have a team you can do the impossible. Having a
team allows everyone to come together and share energy
passion, ideas, enthusiasm , excitement, and knowledge

This is called synergy. 1 + 1 = 5 when you have synergy.

To Your Great Success.

Mel Richardson
P.O.Box 22661
Beachwood, Ohio 44122
